Assessment Reporting
Assessment is the collecting, recording and analysing of information about student learning. Teachers use this information to:
- identify a child’s learning strengths, weaknesses and needs
- make judgements about a child’s progress
- plan programs building on the prior knowledge and learning that a child brings to school
- inform the child, parents and other teachers about the student’s learning.
Students are assessed in a range of ways at various times in their school lives. Schools use a variety of methods to report to parents and carers about their children’s progress.
Some assessment and reporting is part of national programs, some is done at the Territory level and some is done at the school level.
Reporting to Parents
We have an ongoing commitment to make reporting to parents as informative and as useful as we can. We are always interested in your ideas.
The current practice is that there are written reports at the end of Terms 2 and 4, a formal interview at the end of Term 1 and a student led conference at the beginning of term 3. Interviews can be arranged at other times at the request of parents. Just contact the teacher or front office staff.