Welcome to Jingili Primary School

Jingili Primary School is located in the Darwin suburb of Jingili and prides itself on ‘Putting the Child First’. The School has an attractive, safe and welcoming school yard and consists of two adjacent campuses comprising of a combined child care facility (Jingili Kindergarten) and pre-school on one site with the primary campus, ranging from transition to year 6 students nearby. Both campuses are members of a learning community where parents, staff and students strive to provide learning experiences that help them develop life-long skills; academic, social and physical whilst building understandings of their place in the world as global citizens. A variety of cultural backgrounds are represented in the student population.

Our school values are respect, responsibility and resilience and it is an expectation that all members of our community embrace them. We work with our learning dispositions to be imaginative, brave, inquisitive, persistent, as well as seek and accept feedback. These dispositions ground us in good learning and are embedded in building a culture of learning where students are empowered.

The school offers student centred learning which is engaging and rigorous with inquiry learning at the heart. We aim to develop a sense of wonder and curiosity in all our learners. Play is important, and in our early years classrooms, students learn as they play in guided or self-initiated investigations. We are very proud of our CARES (Children Almost Ready to Enter School) program which establishes a link between the Kindy, Preschool and Primary campuses to ensure our students have a seamless transition through the stages of schooling.

All students explore History, Geography, Social Sciences and Health through inquiry based units of work centred around the UNESCO Sustainable Goals which are linked to the Australian Curriculum, and demonstrate their learning using their literacy, numeracy, artistic and technological skills. The Arts are melded through the curriculum and students have the opportunity to join our year 5/6 BEAT choir and participate in instrumental lessons from year four to grow their musical talents. Students are given opportunities to read, write and speak for authentic purposes and their progress is monitored closely, with intervention and extension being implemented as required. Students in grades 3 to 6 engage in learning a language additional to English, Indonesian. At Jingili, we teach students to work with maths strategies to solve problems through our ‘Meaningful Maths’ approach. All classes are well equipped with hands on resources and materials to assist learning. The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Program is conducted with all classes (T-6) and is much valued by our school community as a platform to teach sustainability practices and develop personal and social capabilities. Science is offered as a specialist program across the school with enrichment happening through our CREST (Creativity in Research, Engineering, Science and Technology) initiative. Our classes utilise iPads, laptops and robotics equipment to develop digital technology skills.

Through the learning support centre, the Special Education Teacher and Special Education Support Officer works with students at risk or with special needs in partnership with the teacher and parents. Student well-being and engagement is a priority and Jingili is beginning its journey of implementing the Berry Street Education Model to improve all students’ self-regulation, growth and academic achievement.

There are many opportunities for our students to develop their leadership skills with our formal SRC (Student Representative Council) and House Captain roles alongside student led groups such as Rubbish Warriors, Well-Being Warriors and the Whale Club where students take action and raise voices on local and global matters.

At Jingili, we believe that a strong partnership between parents and school maximises learning. We have a strong and active school council and there are many opportunities for parents to get involved in school life.


Mark Mangohig

Principal Jingili Primary School


Contact Us

Phone​: ​(08) 8983 7555
Email: jingili.school@education.nt.gov.au
Address: Knowles Street, Jingili, NT, 0810

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